The Military Resilience Foundation (MRF) was formed to proactively engage service members, veterans, and military family members in community-based activities with the goal of fostering connection, support, and mutual understanding both for those who served and our larger civilian population.
Since January of 2014, Military Resilience Foundation has served over 1,300 military members, veterans, and military family members in the area of behavioral health and wellness. MRF has helped to improve overall quality of life and sustainability for veterans experiencing issues related to identity, PTS, homelessness, emotional imbalance, and other transitional struggles.
MRF programs are all entirely inclusive, and serve veterans of all generations, branches, and discharge statuses. MRF seeks to reduce the risk of suicide among those who serve or have served through positive engagement and relational experiences. MRF delivers a full spectrum of care for military members/veterans through this model of preventative services, combined with intermediary needs assistance, as well as critical-care interventions when appropriate.

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The MRF's mission is to promote relational healing amongst military members, their families, military units, and our communities, through holistic experiences that help to regain personal identities and form lasting connections.

Aynisa leonardo
executive director, mrf
Aynisa has provided hundreds of advanced training modules both locally and nationally within non-profit organizations and mental health treatment facilities over the past decade. She is currently the Director of Military Services at Long Island Center for Recovery. Her prior experience includes working in inpatient and non-profit settings with Veterans and Active Duty service members, experiencing PTS, addiction, family conflict, and other transitional challenges. She has been a resident consultant for non-profit Intersections International from 2013-present, where she provides ongoing event coordination, on-site support, training, and education. She has concentrated on advanced program development and transitional services, to best treat and support our nations' military members and their families, as well as uniformed service personnel.

suzie dunn
artistic director, mrf
Suzie has been working in the arts for over 15 years. Directing everything from main stage musicals to performance based writing work shops, Ms. Dunn has worked all over New York State. She is currently an applied theater specialist and has run countless workshops and programs for veterans, seniors and students. Incorporating her professional, educational background with arts based learning, she continues to engage and support our nations' military members and their families, as well as uniformed service personnel.